Multisystemic Therapy: A Year in Review

Posted by MST Services


Youth, families, and communities have overcome many challenges and achieved numerous victories since the beginning of this year and, during this time, the Child Protection, Juvenile Justice, and Mental Health systems have made strides in raising awareness of the needs of adolescents and their families. So, as we pause to look back on 2021, we would like to say thank you to the families, therapists, supervisors, agencies, and external stakeholders who made all of this possible. Join us as we highlight some of the work that the Multisystemic Therapy (MST) community has accomplished.

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, MST Community

Returning To In-Person Therapy Services Through the Eyes of MST Colleagues

Posted by MST Services

AdobeStock_252261124Change - the word one hears when thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic. By definition, it refers to a loss of identity or exchange of one thing for another. After the rapid evolution of virtual means and distancing tactics, many professionals had to adjust to new routines.

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, MST Success Stories, MST Community, MST International, COVID-19

A Message of Appreciation for Our MST Community

Posted by MST Services


From left to right are participants from the booster hosted by Chris 180: TaShara Jones, Gregory Ware (on the TV), Michelle Miller, Veronica Mayfield, and McKinsley Demarcus.

Throughout the year, we highlight individuals in the MST community that demonstrate outstanding and meritorious service to help youth and their families around the world. Even through challenging times, MST Services can count on our network of professionals to continue inspiring and transforming lives.

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Topics: MST Community

Transitioning to an MST Therapist

Posted by MST Services

AdobeStock_124086609Today we want to highlight two Multisystemic Therapy clinicians that have changed career paths to better serve youth and their families in Virginia. 

The state of Virginia spends more than $170,000 to incarcerate one youth a year and in 2019 there were 58,234 children reported as victims of abuse or neglect. Because Multisystemic Therapy has such a positive effect on youth and families, several organizations in Virginia dedicated to empowering communities have helped grow the presence of MST programs. One of those organizations is the National Counseling Group, which provides mental, behavioral, and substance use services. They have offered Multisystemic Therapy since 2017 and have five teams for Court Service Units in several districts.

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Topics: MST Community

5 Reasons Not to Miss the MST Supervisors Workshop

Posted by Cory Robbins


This year's MST Advanced Supervisors Workshop is just around the corner! The 2-day training event will take place in Charleston, South Carolina on September 20-21. Read on to see why you don't want to miss it, and if you haven't yet registered, you can do so here. 

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Topics: MST Community

Advanced Supervisor Workshop: An Opportunity for Growth

Posted by Lori Bentley

Advanced Supervisor Workshop enhances professional skills

As a Multisystemic Therapy (MST) supervisor, I find that there aren’t many opportunities for the supervisors’ community to come together to strengthen their skills and support one another in the unique role we play. That is one reason I find the MST Advanced Supervisor Workshop (ASW) held in Charleston, S.C., so critical to my professional development and the agency I work for. Each time I attend the workshop, I walk away feeling re-energized for the work we do.

This past September was no different for me. Prior to heading out from Buffalo to Charleston, I eagerly did my advance prep. After all, it wouldn’t be an MST training if we weren’t given advanced prep.


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Topics: MST Community

The MST European Conference Is Around the Corner

Posted by Lori Moore

The MST European Conference will be held in Malmö, Sweden in May

When they say that time flies by when you are having fun, they aren’t kidding. The older I get (and I say I am older than dirt), the quicker time seems to fly.

It is hard to believe that almost four years ago, 450 participants from the MST community came together for the 2014 MST European Conference in London. Delegates gathered from Iceland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium and the United Kingdom to celebrate the strong implementation of MST across their communities. 

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Topics: MST Community

Georgia Juvenile Justice Reform Wins Award

Posted by Dan Edwards

Georgia juvenile justice reform, led by Gov. Nathan Deal, wins award 

A year after taking office, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal recognized that he had an opportunity, and a responsibility, to fix the state’s criminal justice system. A year later, in 2013, he expanded his focus to include the state’s juvenile justice system. Shortly thereafter, the Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) partnered with the Pew Foundation and the Annie E. Casey Foundation, among others, to explore ways to reduce the unnecessary, ineffective, and expensive overuse of out of home placement of youth who ran into trouble with the law as adolescents.

Much to CJCCs surprise, many of the juveniles placed out of home had committed misdemeanor or status offenses.

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Topics: MST Community

Becoming an MST Supervisor

Posted by Tracyne Caumartin

An MST newcomer shares her experience of becoming a supervisor

You know that feeling when everything just seems to ‘click’? That ‘aha’ moment when your brain clears and you understand whatever problem you have been trying to solve? That’s my favorite part about being an MST supervisor—being a part of the moment when the family ‘arrives’—when a mother looks at me and says, “You mean when I parent from guilt and keep letting my child get away with things, or let him off punishment early, that is why he keeps doing the things he is doing? I am not running my home, my child is? I get it. I want this to work. He is not going to like it, but I am the parent here, not him!” That is the moment that makes the challenges of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) worth it.

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Topics: MST Community

An MST Therapist is Born

Posted by Sophie Karpf

A childhood dream realized

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut? Studies show that just 6 percent of adults end up in the careers they wanted as kids. Katelyn Jakubovic is part of that 6 percent.

katelyn and lori moore.jpg

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, MST Community