What to look for when selecting an EBP from the FFPSA Clearinghouse

Posted by MST Services


The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) was created to protect and empower children in the welfare system.

While previously, states could only use certain Social Security funds to finance foster care, the FFPSA allows states to use these funds to provide parental training, mental health services, and substance abuse treatment for children and their families in the child welfare system. The FFPSA empowers families at risk of separation, thus reducing the need for children to be placed in foster care 

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, evidence-based, Family, Agencies and Administrators, Juvenile Justice

Mastering Life Transitions: Strengthen Families and Empower Change with MST

Posted by MST Services


Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is a dynamic, evidence-based approach designed to address complex behavioral problems in young people. At its core, MST works within the ecological systems- family, peers, school, and community - influencing a young person's life.

By working within these systems, MST can support at-risk young people. This can be particularly important when a young person is faced with a difficult transition — for example, changing schools, adapting to a blended family structure, or transitioning home from placement or foster care. 

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, evidence-based, Family, Parents, Juvenile Justice

Defying Boundaries: Unraveling the Barriers to Family Therapy

Posted by MST Services


Families can be a person’s primary source of support as well as stress. When used correctly, family therapy plays a pivotal role in addressing and resolving familial tensions, improving relationships as well as the wellness of individual family members.  

Family therapy can help improve boundary-setting and communication skills. It can also provide a space for families to process and share their emotions, enabling family members to understand one another’s perspectives and offer meaningful support to each other. 

Unfortunately, some families can run into difficulties with family therapy. Common barriers include logistical issues, cultural beliefs and values, lack of awareness, and even skepticism or hesitancy from family members to participate. Recognizing and addressing these barriers is crucial for the success of therapeutic interventions. 

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, evidence-based, Family, Parents

How the MST Model Engages and Motivates Clients in Family-Based Therapy

Posted by MST Services

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The outcome of any form of counseling depends on how well the therapist is able to engage the client and their caregivers in sessions.  The same can be said for family therapy interventions. If the therapist isn’t able to engage family members, it can impact how well interventions will be implemented that positively affect the entire family.  

When it comes to family-based counseling, therapists measure client engagement in the following ways: 

  • Attending the sessions regularly

  • Sharing openly during the sessions

  • Being willing to discuss difficult topics 

  • Participating in exercises and activities during the session 

  • Completing therapy homework between sessions 

  • Attempting to integrate insights into their day-to-day life 


When a therapist is able to engage clients, they are likely to achieve better outcomes more quickly, not only for the client but the entire family.  

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) works to address known barriers to client and caregiver engagement and utilize the strategies below, though this is not an exhaustive list.  

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, Child Welfare, Mental Health, evidence-based, Family, Caregivers, Families, Motivational Interviewing