Tips on Building Steady Referrals for Your MST Program

Posted by Patrick Duffy

Steady referrals are key to successful evidence-based treatments

Even the best social program is nothing if it doesn’t have clients. Creating a steady stream of referrals can be a major challenge for an evidence-based program, but it is possible with thoughtful planning. The best strategy for overcoming a lack of referrals is developing strong, personal relationships with referral sources. 

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Topics: MST Community

Top Tier Juvenile Offender Program: Multisystemic Therapy

Posted by Molly Brunk

The MST model continues to show impressive outcomes

The numbers are in, and they are good for Multisystemic Therapy (MST), an intensive family- and community-based treatment that addresses the many causes of serious antisocial behavior in juveniles. At a recent conference for MST Network Partners, outcomes from across the MST world were shared. These statistics represent the work of teams in 34 states and 15 countries. With strong adherence to the MST model, practitioners across the world achieved great success with the families they served in 2014.

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy

Holiday Greetings from MST Services

Posted by MST Services

'Tis the season for happiness and good cheer and making holiday wish lists.
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Topics: MST Community

Continuous Training is a Vital Part of Multisystemic Therapy

Posted by Sue Dee

Why MST booster trainings?

It’s just human nature. You did things one way, are accustomed to that way, and you drift back into that comfort zone without even realizing it. Without continual focus and attention it’s difficult to stick to new habits and skills. In the case of Multisystemic Therapy (MST), staying true to the treatment model is of utmost importance if the best results are to be achieved. Booster_Training_Blog.jpgBack row left to right: Alexandra Westcott, Magnus Irvine, Kerry Jayne Lambert, Rose Amado-Taylor, Shelley Stel Front row left to right: Anna Davies, Georgina Privett, Gordon Wilson, Thomas Burke

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Topics: MST Community

Multisystemic Therapy Expands in Chile

Posted by Fabiana Castro

Chile Chooses MST to Help With At-Risk Youth

Mention Chile and the magnificent scenery of the majestic Andes, the plains of Patagonia, its wonderful wines and diverse cuisine spring to mind. One should also remember, this South American country returned to democracy at the end of the 1980s. Since then, the government has been intent on advancing programs to help its citizens. 

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy, MST Community

At-risk Girls are Treated Differently in the Juvenile Justice System

Posted by Lori Cohen

Girls are different from boys—an obvious statement that isn’t so obvious in much of the juvenile-justice system. In the past, girls historically made up a smaller percentage of the juvenile justice system. However, the number of girls entering the justice system is on the rise.

As pointed out in an exhaustive report by Francine T. Sherman Annie Balck1 (in partnership with the National Crittenton Foundation and the National Women’s Law Center), there is an inequality of treatment often from the get-go. Judges find abused young women from traumatic backgrounds in front of them and will put them into the system to “protect” them.

At all points, starting with arrest and going through disposition, the authors of the report said, “The system is structured to pull girls in, rather than to use available ‘off-ramps’ to divert them to more appropriate interventions.”

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Topics: Mental Health

What is MST Like: A Child's Perspective

Posted by Kieran Lord

A child talks about his experience with Multisystemic Therapy

Capturing the voice of the young person is often difficult in MST, but it is a critical part of the story that begs to be told. Community stakeholders and families alike often ask, “What about the young person? How does this program impact his or her life?” During a recent event, the Trafford MST team in the UK found a unique way to bring the voice of the young person to life.

This powerful video helps all of us understand – “what is it MST like?” from the perspective of the the child. 

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Topics: MST Success Stories

Secure Placement Seemed the Only Option Until MST

Posted by Gordon Wilson

The last stop before placement: Multisystemic Therapy

At 15, Charlotte had one foot out the door on the way to secure accommodation placement. While she had her grandmother, Doreen, who loved her and was her primary caregiver, as well as an uncle and her mother in the same household, Charlotte’s behaviors were so risky that professionals involved with the family felt that sending her to a secure placement was the only way to keep her safe. 

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Topics: MST Success Stories

Giving Thanks to her MST Therapist

Posted by NY Caregiver

Thanksgiving, that wonderful holiday when turkey abounds and families get together to enjoy each other’s company. Oh yes, and to give thanks for all they have. One woman is grateful to her MST therapist for making it possible to enjoy the company of her 16-year-old sister, who had been in and out of trouble and court, and was heading toward placement.

We were in court again because C had messed up. Another arrest. And that wasn’t all she was doing. She wasn’t going to school at all. Some days, I’d drop her off, and she’d sneak out the back door as soon as I left. She would run away for weeks at a time, staying at her boyfriend’s house all hours of the day and night. She was smoking marijuana and doing God knows what else. When she was home, she was disrespectful, and we argued. She was stealing from me, stealing from stores, and hanging out with friends that I didn’t approve of—the type of friends who ended up on the news because of the stuff they were involved in. I had to deal with all of this because I took in my sister when no one else was left to take care of her. Not to mention I had four of my own children to take care of, the youngest barely four months old that day in court. 

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Topics: MST Success Stories

Celebrating Universal Children's Day with the Science Behind Spanking

Posted by Lori Cohen

 Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

Nov. 20 is Universal Children’s Day, established by the United Nations more than 60 years ago. Its goal is to improve the welfare of kids across the globe. They are, after all, of utmost importance to the future of the world. As pointed out in a report to the U.N. secretary-general in 2001, "We were all children once. And we all share the desire for the well-being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind."

Many people and cultures throughout the world condone using corporal punishment to discipline children. This flies in the face of the principles of the U.N. and its Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children are not commodities. They are not punching bags. Swatting, spanking, hitting your kid is a form of physical abuse that research has shown does not necessarily achieve the desired results. On the contrary, it is deleterious.


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Topics: Child Welfare