Multisystemic Therapy helps family get their daughter back
Wow. Where should I begin? Best to start at the beginning. Two years ago, our teenage daughter began having behavioral issues. To us, she did a 180 overnight, and we had no idea what was happening. She left home without permission, became physically and verbally aggressive toward us, used substances, had problems at school and got in trouble with the law. She was like a different child, and we had no idea what had changed or what to do about it.
We looked all over for help ranging from hospital stays to police encounters, and the only answers we received were to call Child Protective Services or put her in a group home. We were so lost.
Then came Touchstone, a provider of evidence-based programs in Phoenix—and Multisystemic Therapy. At Touchstone, we met Andrea. She did our intake and was assigned our MST therapist. She was so refreshing.