Celebrating Universal Children's Day with the Science Behind Spanking

Posted by Lori Cohen

 Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

Nov. 20 is Universal Children’s Day, established by the United Nations more than 60 years ago. Its goal is to improve the welfare of kids across the globe. They are, after all, of utmost importance to the future of the world. As pointed out in a report to the U.N. secretary-general in 2001, "We were all children once. And we all share the desire for the well-being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind."

Many people and cultures throughout the world condone using corporal punishment to discipline children. This flies in the face of the principles of the U.N. and its Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children are not commodities. They are not punching bags. Swatting, spanking, hitting your kid is a form of physical abuse that research has shown does not necessarily achieve the desired results. On the contrary, it is deleterious.


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Topics: Child Welfare

What to Expect When an MST Therapist Comes into Your Home

Posted by Sarah Johansson

Sometimes a stranger can bring great meaning to your life

If you’re a parent whose child is referred to Multisystemic Therapy, chances are you are wondering about the stranger being sent to your home. Thoughts running through your brain might include, who is this person, what is his or her clinical experience? Are they skilled enough to help with my child? Will this therapist judge or blame me? What makes this therapist and this program different from the other programs we’ve tried?

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy

MST's Outcomes Depend on Building Relationships

Posted by Lori Moore

Multisystemic Therapy takes more than a Coke and a smile

I remember when I was an MST supervisor, one of my therapists came into my office and said that he had finally figured it out—“Engagement in MST isn’t a Coke and a smile!” It wasn’t about having families invite him into their homes, greeting him with a smile on their faces, offering him a seat at their kitchen table and a Coke to drink. Engagement was something much more. After working in MST for several months, he had really started to understand that engagement and alignment meant a whole lot more and was critical to long-lasting success.

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy

MST Empowers Mom With the Four D's

Posted by Sharon King

Sometimes D’s are the best thing to get

I was at my wit’s end. My 13-year-old son, Brendan, was suspended from school (again), failing all of his classes. I knew he was on a bad path and didn’t know how to get him off it.

Brendan had seen his share of therapists. In fact, he’d been in therapy for more than six years, and nothing worked. Brendan didn’t like to talk, he didn’t open up, and his behavior never changed. If anything, as he got older, it had gotten worse. Now in middle school, he was facing expulsion after the most recent suspension.

His therapist mentioned a program that is targeted at juvenile offenders. I figured if it could work for them, it might work for Brendan. I didn’t want him taken away and placed out of our home. He was definitely headed that way.

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Topics: Troubled Youth

MST as a Successful Treatment for Teen Drug Abuse

Posted by Williams & Alexander

Multisystemic Therapy helps teen beat drug abuse 

Grace is a 15-year-old who was referred to Multisystemic Therapy (MST) after her truancy led to a Family With Service Needs (FWSN) petition. An FWSN petition allows the state of Connecticut to address the needs of children younger than 16 who have committed what’s considered unlawful behavior. MST was the program of choice because of its proven effectiveness with teen drug abuse and delinquent youth.

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Topics: Substance Abuse

The Multisystemic Therapy Community Gathers in the Big Easy

Posted by Dr. Gregorio Melendez

This year's Network Partner Conference convenes in New Orleans

During the week of Oct.19, more than 100 MST experts, coaches, program managers and leaders converged on New Orleans for the 14th annual MST Network Partners Conference. The Network Partners Conference was created back in the early days of MST when partner organizations started doing their own consultation and new team development. As more of the MST work is being accomplished in different places, the conference is a way for those involved in MST to come together to share knowledge, experiences and hone their skills in implementing the model. It is an opportunity for us to just gather with old friends and colleagues, share stories, laugh together and bend an elbow or two.

JPHSA_Network_PartnerPictured above is the Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority Network Partnership

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Topics: MST Community

New Orleans to Host MST Network Partner Conference 2015

Posted by Laura Shortt

MST Network Partner staff from the U.S. and abroad meeting in New Orleans

It’s that time again. The 14th Annual MST Network Partner (NP) Conference is peeking up on the horizon. On Oct. 21, 2015, MST Network Partner staff (directors, developers and MST experts) from around the world will meet in New Orleans. There are 25 domestic and international MST Network Partners, all working to ensure that the MST treatment model is followed with integrity so the best outcomes for youth and their families are reached.

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Topics: MST Community

Organizing an MST-UK Event: Whatever it Takes

Posted by A Marshall and S Wright

Bringing key community stakeholders and MST teams together for a good cause

Anyone who has ever arranged a fundraiser or event of more than four people knows there is a lot of planning and work involved. Probably more than what you might expect. So MST Northamptonshire was discovered.

In early 2015, it was decided that the two MST Northamptonshire teams would host the MST Midlands Network Event. Meetings across the U.K. Network Partnership bring together key stakeholders and MST programs to enhance community collaboration. Thus began the process of organizing venues, speakers, and presentations.

“Long term outcomes—Achieving the holy grail” soon became our theme.

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Topics: MST Community

Multisystemic Therapy Helps Troubled Youth Turn Life Around

Posted by Diane Bieliski

MST mends family, paving road to duccess

“It’s not going to work. Nothing has worked in the past.”

All too familiar words heard when an MST therapist takes on a case. Father Matthew and stepmother Linda had their doubts when their 17-year-old son, Michael, was referred to the MST program at Adelphoi Village. Michael was aggressive at home and struggled with academics and school attendance. The family tried a series of formal support programs over the years. Nothing worked. The boy’s parents were sure he wouldn’t change and that he would probably “fire” the MST therapist just as he had so many others before.

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Topics: MST Success Stories

MST in Pennsylvania: Proven Successful in Helping Juvenile Offenders

Posted by Elizabeth Campbell

Evidence-based interventions in Pennsylvania yield reductions in placement rates

The state of Pennsylvania has a long history of doing right by its high-risk youth. It followed the example set by Illinois in 1899 of not looking on children and adolescents as being solely responsible for their behavior. Courts would not merely mete out punishment. They would look for ways to rehabilitate the defendants.

One hundred years later, alongside a number of initiatives to improve its juvenile justice system, Pennsylvania leaders began encouraging the adoption of evidence-based interventions (EBIs) such as Multisystemic Therapy (MST) and Functional Family Therapy (FFT) as a way to help troubled youth, keep them at home and out of prison.

Based on evaluations and outcome reports by the EPISCenter, EBIs are accomplishing just that.

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Topics: MST Success Stories