Out-of-Control Teen Gains Control with Multisystemic Therapy

Posted by Paula Magana

How an MST therapist helped an angry youth turn his life around

After physically assaulting his mother, Kyle was put on probation. A community deputy probation officer referred him and his mother to the MST program. Kyle lived with her and his stepfather in an upper-middle-class neighborhood. At the beginning of the program, he was adversarial and defiant at home. He disregarded rules, flouted his parents’ directives, challenged their requests, had angry outbursts, was verbally aggressive toward both of them, and sometimes physically aggressive toward his mother. Kyle had a history of stealing from his parents and blaming others for his choices. 

Kyle not only behaved like this at home, but he also broke rules at school. He had a pattern of being disruptive in class, stealing from students and teachers, physically threatening teachers, leaving school and classrooms without permission, and defying teachers’ directives. In fact, prior to his participation in MST, Kyle had 45 disciplinary entries at school. He struggled for a long time with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. 

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Topics: Troubled Youth

What Would the Judge Do with this Troubled Teen?

Posted by Nicole Saunders

Would "K" be better off in placement, or could MST help keep her with her family?

It was a case of “what would it take?” What would be the tipping point that would make a judge decide to send an incorrigible young girl to placement or leave her at home?

Before the judge stood a 14-year-old K who had exhibited many of the behaviors of an out-of-control youth. She couldn’t control her anger. She went missing for long periods of time and had substance-abuse problems. She was aggressive toward her family and disrespected her mother—to the point her mom had had enough and was throwing in the towel. She wanted the judge to remove her daughter from her home.

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Topics: Troubled Youth

MST Empowers Mom With the Four D's

Posted by Sharon King

Sometimes D’s are the best thing to get

I was at my wit’s end. My 13-year-old son, Brendan, was suspended from school (again), failing all of his classes. I knew he was on a bad path and didn’t know how to get him off it.

Brendan had seen his share of therapists. In fact, he’d been in therapy for more than six years, and nothing worked. Brendan didn’t like to talk, he didn’t open up, and his behavior never changed. If anything, as he got older, it had gotten worse. Now in middle school, he was facing expulsion after the most recent suspension.

His therapist mentioned a program that is targeted at juvenile offenders. I figured if it could work for them, it might work for Brendan. I didn’t want him taken away and placed out of our home. He was definitely headed that way.

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Topics: Troubled Youth

How to Deter Juvenile Crime? Community-Based Programs like MST

Posted by Lori Cohen

What stops high-risk juveniles from further crime?

A report from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention based on the “Pathways to Desistance” project offered up a serious look at what deters high-risk kids from committing future crimes.

More than 1,300 delinquents from Philadelphia and Phoenix were interviewed seven years after they were convicted. They were asked about the factors—becoming more mature, life changes, and whether they were involved again with the criminal-justice system—that led youth who have committed serious offenses to continue or stop offending.

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Topics: Troubled Youth

An MST Response to a Domestic Violence Threat

Posted by Gina Ferrara

Quick-thinking MST therapist diffuses domestic-violence situation

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) sessions are held in the client’s home. It makes sense since that’s often where a youth acts out.  The therapy focuses on addressing all parts of young person’s life that contribute to chronic and violent behavior—the home and family, schools and teachers, neighborhoods, and friends. MST recognizes that each aspect plays a critical role in a youth's world and each system requires attention when effective change is needed to improve the quality of life for youth and their families.

I visited the home once and reviewed my notes from the initial session before taking the short drive to my new client’s home. A truancy officer, citing low school attendance, had referred the youth to MST. The plan was to meet with Mom to begin assessing the strengths and needs of the child’s ecology. Then, I could tailor the treatment approach to best capitalize on their strong points.

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Topics: Troubled Youth

Kentucky Police Officer Handcuffs 8-Year-Old, Stirs Outrage

Posted by Sue Dee

Police in our schools—There is a better way

Watching the news this week, I came across an unsettling story.  

An 8-year-old, third-grade student diagnosed with ADHD and PTSD was handcuffed above the elbow by a sheriff’s deputy for not following directions at school. It is a disturbing image, yet one that may become increasingly more common. 

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Topics: Troubled Youth

Multisystemic Therapy is a Top Program For Juvenile Offenders

Posted by Molly Brunk

MST is an Effective Evidence-Based Treatment

Many new treatments for juvenile offenders show promising results in research settings but when provided in a real-world setting they fail to yield the same results. Oftentimes, when new treatments are transported from the laboratory, they lose their effectiveness. Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is an intensive family- and community-based treatment that addresses the multiple determinants of serious antisocial behavior in adolescents. MST has a strong research history demonstrating its effectiveness in reducing crime, violence, and substance use. Download a list of all published studies here. What’s more, MST has been successfully implemented in over 34 states and 15 countries, getting superior results for the youth and families it serves. 

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Topics: Troubled Youth

Baltimore Riots. Racial Disparity in Juvenile Justice

Posted by Lori Cohen

Baltimore burning. Disparity in the justice system. Is there a role for MST?

A young black man in confrontation with police. Another young black man dead. Last summer, it was 17-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. This month, 25-year-old Freddie Gray did not get proper medical attention as he was being transported to a Baltimore police station and later died. Looting and vandalizing broke out in Ferguson. Protests were met with police in riot gear and tear gas. In Baltimore, full-scale rioting erupted following Gray’s funeral.

While violence should not be condoned, it’s easy to see that the frustration of the black community in Baltimore had gone beyond the boiling point. Why?


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Topics: Troubled Youth

Missouri Elementary Schools have Highest Rate of Racial Disparity

Posted by Amie Feick, MA

Missouri School System Ranked #1 For Discipline Disparity

A study by the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at UCLA ranked Missouri top in the nation for disparity in how often black students and white students are suspended for infractions—adding to the ever-growing body of evidence of systemic injustices against the black community. In the 2011-2012 school year, 14.3 percent of black elementary students were suspended at least once. This compares with only 1.8 percent of white students.


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Topics: Troubled Youth

Is MST Helpful For Traumatized Youth?

Posted by Laurie Spivey

An MST therapist weighs in on treating trauma

As practitioners of Multisystemic Therapy, we are often asked if MST can be helpful for youth who have experienced trauma. While MST is not a treatment model designed to provide trauma-focused care, the short answer is—yes. 

To understand how MST would respond to a youth who experienced emotional and physical distress, we should first define trauma. Then we have to take a look at how trauma impacts young people and plays a role in delinquent behavior. Then we must ascertain if it is related to anti-social behavior for each child we serve.
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Topics: Troubled Youth