Lessons From Nat'l Council of Juvenile and Family Court Conference

Posted by Moore and Karpf

How does one decide which programs best serve children in the juvenile justice system?

Seventy-eight years ago, a group of judges with a mission to improve the effectiveness of juvenile courts in this country created the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). Now in its 79th year, the NCJFCJ held its annual conference in Monterey Bay, Calif. Multisystemic Therapy (MST)  was there an exhibitor. With sessions like “Smart on Juvenile Justice,” “Rerouting the School-to-Prison Pipeline,” “Keeping Kids in School and Out of Court” and “Addressing School Pushout Among Black Girls,” the conference subject matter really resonated with MST’s mission and goals.ncjfcj_conference.jpgSophie Karpf, Judge Ramona Gonzalez, and Judge Steven Teske

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Topics: Juvenile Justice Reform

Pennsylvania MST Therapist Wins Award

Posted by Lori Moore

What does it take to be an award-winning MST therapist?

It takes a special type of person to be an MST therapist. Requirements? Supreme empathy. Intuitiveness. The sleuthing power of Sherlock Holmes to uncover the mysteries of why a youth is acting out. Diplomatic skills to get an entire family—and even the extended community—on board with the program.


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Topics: MST Community

Multisystemic Therapy Blends Three ‘Parents’ Into One Team

Posted by Aime Bennett

Three parents can sometimes be better than one

Jane was a 13-year-old middle-schooler who lived with her grandparents, having little to no contact with her biological parents. By the time she came into MST, she was using drugs, getting in trouble, failing in school, leaving home without permission, and being defiant and aggressive with her grandparents. 


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Topics: Child Welfare

Do Girls in the Juvenile Justice System Commit More Drug Crimes?

Posted by Sue Dee

The Proportion of Girls Arrested for Drug Crimes Is Higher Than Males

There has been some good news and statistics in the juvenile-justice world recently. One is that juvenile-drug arrests fell to about 52% since 2010. However, examining this data more closely finds something disturbing: girls now account for a larger percentage of drug charges, ranging from simple possession to manufacturing and sales, than their male counterparts. Also worrisome is, writes Jeffrey A. Butts of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in a recent brief, “the growing proportion of females among juvenile drug arrests was seen among arrests for drug manufacturing and sales as well as arrests for simple drug possession.”

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Topics: Substance Abuse

Evidence-Based Principles Help Mom Gain Control

Posted by Alessandra Longo

Giving a mother hope using MST principle four 

Ms. Mitchell always answered the door in pajamas with a cup of half drunk tea in her hand. She would usher me into her living room and approximately 10 minutes into every session would chide herself for forgetting to offer me a cup. We sat in our respective chairs—me facing the window and she keeping a diligent eye on the clock above my head to remind her of the day’s approaching work shift. These were the things that never changed throughout treatment. We cherished our routines, greetings and small familiarities to counter the challenge of raising a young person with persistent challenging behaviors that led to his involvement in the child-welfare system.

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Topics: MST Success Stories

MacArthur Foundation's 100 & Change Contest

Posted by Lori Cohen

Want to change the world but need the funding? This contest could be your answer

The MacArthur Foundation has given away $5.5 billion since it was set up in 1978—and it still has a $6.5 billion endowment.


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Topics: Juvenile Justice Reform

MST Services Reaches 20-Year Milestone

Posted by Keller Strother

President and CEO, Keller Strother, reflects on the past two decades

In 20 years, we’ve accomplished a lot—200,000 families worldwide have been helped by MST. That’s an incredible feat  We have spread MST to 34 states and 15 countries.  Are we proud of what we have accomplished?  Yes, without question. Is there a lot more to do?  You bet.


The MST Services team in Chicago in June 2016

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Topics: MST Community

Confessions of a 'Juvenile Delinquent', Part II

Posted by Anonymous Young Adult

A young, upper-middle class, white male commits several crimes and wonders what would have happened had he been a young, poor, male of color

We’ve been reporting a lot on the disparities in the juvenile-justice system. We talk about the consequences of the school-to-prison pipeline, where brown and black kids are treated so much harsher than their white counterparts. It’s not often we get a glimpse into the system from the point of view of a white, advantaged male. Most often, it’s the disenfranchised who speak out about their stories. However, this anonymous young man has chosen to share his brush with the justice system and why he’ll be the first to believe that it was the color of his skin, not his innocence or guilt, that provided him with a “get-out-of-jail-free” card.


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Topics: MST Success Stories

Judge Steven Teske on Getting Tough on Crime Video

Posted by Sophie Karpf

Georgia juvenile court judge raises graduation rates and reduces crime

Why does it benefit a juvenile-court judge to reduce detention if it isn't costing him anything? Well, in the words of Chief Judge Steven Teske, it’s because it’s the right thing to do.

And reduce detention he did.


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Topics: MST Community

This Father's Day, We're Celebrating All Kinds of Fathers

Posted by Ernesto Peraza

An MST supervisor reflects on the importance of fatherhood

I grew up in a time when fathers in my Hispanic culture were expected to be strong disciplinarians and primarily focus on providing financially for the family. My wife and I have been blessed with two gorgeous and conscientious daughters. When my first daughter was born, I knew I did not want to contribute to the cultural stereotypes of what a father should be and do.Fathers_Day_Celebration.jpg

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Topics: MST Success Stories