Dr. Gregorio Melendez

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What Does "Evidence-Based" Even Mean?

Posted by Dr. Gregorio Melendez

At Blueprints, Del Elliot wonders aloud what is happening to the term evidence-based

In this year’s closing plenary session of the Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development conference, keynote speaker and Blueprints founder, Delbert Elliott, asked us whether we can we rescue the concept of evidence based. While more and more systems across the nation and world have embraced the use of evidence-based programs for the treatment of antisocial behaviors, the term itself has undergone a transformation. 

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy

Nell Bernstein to Speak at the MST Pre-conference

Posted by Dr. Gregorio Melendez

Author Nell Bernstein opens up on closing down juvenile prisons

Nell Bernstein, activist, journalist and author, is scheduled to speak at the MST’s pre-conference, which will kick off this April’s Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development Conference in Denver. We initially spoke with her back in October 2014, a few months after the publication of her second book, Burning Down the House: The End of Juvenile Prison. It is a compelling argument for the wholesale takedown of the juvenile-prison system. As part of the run-up to the conference, we wanted to sit down with her again, look back on the last year or so and talk about what the future may bring. 

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Topics: MST Community

The Multisystemic Therapy Community Gathers in the Big Easy

Posted by Dr. Gregorio Melendez

This year's Network Partner Conference convenes in New Orleans

During the week of Oct.19, more than 100 MST experts, coaches, program managers and leaders converged on New Orleans for the 14th annual MST Network Partners Conference. The Network Partners Conference was created back in the early days of MST when partner organizations started doing their own consultation and new team development. As more of the MST work is being accomplished in different places, the conference is a way for those involved in MST to come together to share knowledge, experiences and hone their skills in implementing the model. It is an opportunity for us to just gather with old friends and colleagues, share stories, laugh together and bend an elbow or two.

JPHSA_Network_PartnerPictured above is the Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority Network Partnership

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Topics: MST Community

Estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological Science

Posted by Dr. Gregorio Melendez

MST: Backed Up by Research, Results Proven to Be Reproducible

An article in Science magazine stated that less than a third of psychology studies could be replicated. 

This finding produced a bit of negative coverage in the media, as well as some useful analysis.     

For me, however, it was a reminder of just how impressive the body of research behind MST is. Consider that since 1986, MST has undergone 15 separate randomized controlled trials using either juvenile offenders or youth with serious conduct problems. Of those, seven were conducted by independent researchers in five separate countries.

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Topics: Multisystemic Therapy

Sweden Study Shows Implementation of MST Improves Over Time

Posted by Dr. Gregorio Melendez

How important is experience when it comes to Multisystemic Therapy?

Everyone agrees that experience matters. The more time and practice you put into something, the better your performance. But, what if it there was a situation where it was the experience of your colleagues and organization, rather than your own, that mattered more to your future performance? This was the unexpected finding in a recently published study out of Sweden, “The Swedish Implementation of Multisystemic Therapy for Adolescents: Does Treatment Experience Predict Treatment Adherence?” 

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Topics: Juvenile Justice Reform