Overcoming Obstacles Post Residential Treatment/Detainment

Navigating life following residential treatment or detainment is often characterized by substantial hurdles faced not only by individuals but also by their families and communities. Our infographic offers a comprehensive exploration of the complex challenges faced by individuals, their families, and communities after residential treatment or detainment. It presents an overview of these obstacles, detailing the unique experiences of those affected and emphasizing the need for targeted supportive measures and interventions.

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is an evidence-based alternative for at-risk youth and their families that can assist caregivers with the skills to discuss hard topics and reduce conflict that can potentially drive youth to leave home.

If you are interested in bringing MST to your community, contact us here.

Overcoming Obstacles Post Residential TreatmentDetainment

Interested in bringing MST to your community? 

Contact us!